Features and Functionality
What is a topic?
A topic on Murmur serves as an isolated environment for all actions within the platform. It provides a dedicated space where untapped information can be shared and accessed. Within a topic, users can engage in activities such as posting alpha (exclusive insights), joining the queue to receive information, and interacting with the shared content.
Can I create topics on Murmur?
Yes, you can propose new topics on Murmur! Our team will review your submission and decide whether to add it to the platform.
How do I join a Topic?
To join a topic on Murmur, browse the available topics and join the queue. To receive early information, you can bid for a higher position in the queue, which may require a higher fee when accessing a post.
How do I start posting on a Topic?
Select the topic you want to post in. You don't have to join to post on a topic.
Tap the yellow plus icon located at the lower right of the screen.
Compose your post. You can also add up to 4 pictures.
Once you're done, press "Send" to post your content.
How do I vote on a post?
You can vote on the quality of each post to express your opinion.
Only subscribers, who are members of a topic's queue, can vote.
How long can I vote on a post?
You have 24 hours to vote on a post after it becomes ready to reveal. This means the countdown starts once the post has finished propagating, not when it becomes public. The voting period is the same for everyone, but the first users to gain access will have more time to vote.
What is a slowdown?
A "slow down" on Murmur is a mechanism that temporarily prevents information from being shared with subscribers behind you in the queue for a certain duration. It allows users to control the pace at which content is disseminated to the next subscribers.
How can I use a slowdown?
First, wait for the post to reach you in the queue.
After paying to view the post, click the "Slow Down" button. You can then choose how long you want to delay the post before it goes to the next subscriber.
Click "Confirm Slow Down" and pay the required ETH amount for the selected duration. This will delay the post for the time you've chosen, giving you more time to act on the information.
How to make a post public?
The posts are initially only visible to subscribers in the queue. However, they can be made public by any member of Murmur with a simple action.
Wait for the Post to Go through all subscribers ( you will receive a notification)
Tap the "Press to Reveal and Earn a Reward" button.
This process can take a minute or more. Once complete, the post will be made public.
What is a lottery?
A lottery is an event held for a specific duration, where participants collect coupons to have a chance at winning a share of a prize pool in ETH.
What is a coupon?
Coupons are used during lottery events to win a share of a prize pool.
How do I get coupons?
Each lottery will have different rules for collecting coupons. For example:
Reveal a private post to the public - 5 coupons
Open a private post - 3 coupons
Slow down the propagation of a private post - 2 coupons
Last updated